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“To truly know the world, look deeply within
your own being; to truly know yourself, take real
interest in the world.”


School Handbooks


School Handbook

The answers to most questions can be found in our school handbook.  We encourage families to familiarize themselves with school policies and processes as documented here.

For more information on the media policy please view Appendix A. For Waldorf Education Resources please view Appendix B. For Kindergarten specifics please view Appendix C. For Grades School specifics please view Appendix D. Our concerns process is in the handbook, you can also view it here.


Middle School Honour Code

Further to our Dress Code and Discipline Guidelines, our Middle School Students are co-creating a Social Contract and Honour Code.  

By being part of the process to put into words our community values, the students learn to take responsibility for their role in school culture.

We look forward to sharing drafts of these documents here.  


Middle School Handbook

As we settle into middle school we are revising some aspects of our handbook to recognize our oldest students.  Our grade 7, 8, and 9 students are actively taking part in the development of the policies and guidelines to which they will be expected to adhere. 

You can read the drafts of our Middle School Dress Code and Discipline Guidelines here.



Permission Forms

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